
Thursday, July 19, 2012

Day 0: Virginia, New York, The Sky


We slept in this guy Zach's living room last night. It was like college, which is fine because one of us, David, is in college and the rest of us think of college fondly(ish).

Robb has Ebola. Ok, so it's just an infection, but man, the coughing. He's 60 hours into an antibiotic though which is a good thing for all of us.

I just realized that David, who plays bass, is also our videographer. I'm sure I knew that already and just forgot. He has a steady cam. We could totally make a found-footage film like Chronicle or the Blair witch project.

Our flight is at 8:30. It's 6:15 am. I need Starbucks.


Just landed in New York. Flight was nice because I had a whole row to myself. The down side is that those seats were supposed to be occupied by Robb, Jarred and David. Dang.

They're trying to get a direct flight to Joburg. We'll have to meet up there. Looking forward to having a whole row to myself on the long flight though and this way I'll avoid catching whatever death plague Robb has.

This is it for day 0 since i'll be on a plane for the rest of it. Caffeine headache starting. Plane stuck on tarmac. Still need Starbucks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Stu, just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you and I wanted to welcome you to the "motherland." And remember, if you get into any trouble, I'm just to the North of you!
    May God richly bless your experience, the people your reaching out to, and grant you spiritual wisdom as our ambassador of the faith.

